Florence Airport Flights
There are 3 airlines operating between the Florence Airport and Schwechat International Airport. The flight covers a distance of 393 miles or 633 km in a 1 hour 33 minutes journey time. BMI, Blue1 and Brussels Airline are the three airlines providing service for traveling between Brussels Airport and Florence Airport. The flight takes 1 hour 55 minutes for covering a distance of 582 miles of 936 km. Services for traveling between Charles De Gualle and Florence are offered by multiple companies. The distance covered is 547 miles or 880 km in 1 hour 51 minutes journey time.
Three airlines KLM, Alitalia and Delta Air Lines offer flights between Florence and Amsterdam-Schiphol. Its take 2 hours 3 minutes flight time to cover the distance of 658 miles of 1,058 km between Florence and Amsterdam-Schiphol. Traveling from Timisoara to Florence is supported by 2 airlines. A distance of 582 miles or 937 km is covered during 1 hour 55 minutes flight time from Timisoara to Florence. Flights from London to Florence are offered by three airlines, namely, Air France, Cityjet and Alitalia. From London to Florence it takes a 2 hours 12 minutes journey time. While the distance between Florence and London is 741 miles or 1,193 km.
From Gatwick to Florence, the distance of 733 miles or 1,180 km is covered in 2 hours 12 minutes flights, which are offered by 2 airlines. Two airlines, namely, Alitalia and Darwin Airline offer direct flights from Geneva to Florence Airport. This distance between Geneva and Florence is 300 miles or 483 km, which is covered during a 1 hour 23 minutes journey time. For traveling from Zurich to Florence, SWISS is the only option available. The distance of 283 miles or 456 km is covered in 1 hour 21 minutes flight time.
Florence Airport Destinations List
Below is a list of the 33 destinations you can fly from Florence Airport. These destinations can be viewed on a map here.
* Codeshare flight